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Mar 22 2022

British Soldiers Demand Vegan Uniforms

At first, I thought this was parody — along the lines of the Babylon Bee, but more over the top. But no, British soldiers really are demanding vegan uniforms.

From Rebel News:

As detailed by the Telegraph, the newly-formed group in the British Army called The Ministry of Defence Vegan and Vegetarian Network has launched a campaign to institute a new set of policies to empower vegans and vegetarians who enlisted in the armed forces. …

One of the policies proposed by the vegan group is for personnel to wear vegetarian footwear not made from real leather. The move comes after a helicopter technician objected to wearing leather boots in 2019, prompting the Royal Air Force to consider amending its policy.

The British military has already pandered to vegans through its Army EATs campaign, which provides more vegetarian food for soldiers.

Vegan leather is less durable, less economical, and worse for the environment. No matter; this is a religious issue. Vegan moonbats believe that any animal product is unclean.

In an earlier time, similar religious fanatics brought down the British East India Company, which effectively controlled India. It had its own army, which relied on native troops. These tended to be either Hindu or Muslim. Hindus believed the lubrication used on the ammunition they were issued to be made from sacred cows; Muslims believed it to be made from unclean swine.


The imprisonment of Hindu and Muslim soldiers over their refusal to use the offending rounds led to rebellions in almost every Hindu and Muslim regiment in the Company’s Army. Known as the War of Independence in India and as the Sepoy Mutiny in the West, the engagement ran for almost three years and cost the lives of hundreds of soldiers and civilians on both sides.

Though the rebellion was put down, the engagement ended the East India Company’s tenure as a military force. The company itself was nationalized and the British government assumed its operations in India the next year. This spelled the end of the megacorporation and in 1874, it was dissolved.

It would hardly be surprising if the moonbat religion manages to bring down the modern British army.

On tips from Franco.


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