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Aug 21 2020

California Blackouts Presage Green Energy Future

It’s not as if Democrats want to take a chance on green energy, as if maybe it will work. They already know what will happen if we are forced to rely on it. It is already happening, right in front of everyone in California:

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come.

Democrats reflexively scapegoat the power companies, which have been hamstrung by hyperregulation and ideologically driven green energy mandates to the point that they are no longer able to keep the lights on.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Absent some revolutionary scientific breakthrough that probably won’t happen, there is no possibility that green energy can meet 100% of California’s power needs. It can’t even handle 36%.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds and failures at a couple of power plants for this weekend’s power outages.

Society cannot function if there is only a reliable power source when it is sunny out and the wind is blowing.

California is forced by its own moonbattery to import power from other states. But during a heatwave, and with green energy lunacy metastasizing throughout the country, other states won’t always have enough to spare.

[Governor Gavin] Newsom on Monday waived the state’s emissions standards to allow businesses and utilities to run fossil-fuel generators, many procured for emergency power outages during wildfire seasons.

This proves Newsom knows that reliable power does not come from solar panels, wind turbines, or pixie dust. Yet California continues to shut down clean and efficient natural gas and nuclear plants out of sheer moonbattery.

Even now, Newsom proclaims that single-party California remains “committed to radically changing the way we produce and consume energy.”

Power to keep the lights on takes a back seat to the power they will have over us if they can impose the Green New Deal. Get used to sweltering in the dark if Democrats prevail.

On a tip from Varla.


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