California to Impose Equity on Electricity
Under absolute moonbattery, equity can be imposed on anything imaginable — even electricity:
California governor Gavin Newsom is standing by the state’s soon-to-be-implemented “equitable” policy to base electricity bills on income, rather than usage, even as public and political opposition to the idea builds in the Democratic coalition.
Mass immigration has successfully converted California to a single-party system. No Republican has been elected to statewide office since 2006. But even some other Democrats balk at Newsom’s radicalism:
Newsom’s commitment to California’s income-based electricity billing plan followed a press conference by a group of Democratic lawmakers who want to reverse the policy, after they voted in its favor as part of a 2022 budget bill. Citing public outcry, they condemned the plan as another price hike for Californians’ astronomical energy bills that would punish conservation-minded households while also subjecting everyone to invasive income checks. …
This emerging rift over a policy that’s been praised by supporters as an “equitable” boost for the state’s transition to zero-emission electricity is a rare hiccup in the Democratic supermajority’s typically lockstep approach to energy mandates.
There will be no transition to zero-emission electricity. Wasteful government-subsidized boondoggles like wind turbines will never meet more than a small fraction of demand, especially after California outlaws real cars in favor of glorified golf carts. The transition will be to no electricity — except for the privileged few.
Electricity rates have risen nearly 70 percent since 2010, when the state started to break from fossil fuels, and California households pay nearly 83 percent more than the average for homes elsewhere in the United States.
Despite a few getting cold feet, Democrats needn’t worry. They will remain in control until they have ridden the erstwhile Golden State into total collapse, thanks to the demographic leverage they have achieved through open borders. Currently they are at work doing the same thing to Texas.
On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.
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