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May 03 2024

Canada Constructs Monument to Sexual Perversion

You can tell what a culture values by the monuments it constructs. Canadians are reverently erecting a monument to bestow cherished victim status upon those who conspicuously indulge in sexual depravity:

Construction officially began [Thursday] on the Government of Canada’s LGBTQ2+ National Monument in downtown Ottawa. …

Construction is expected to reach completion in 2025.

According to Trudeau’s government,

“It will be a lasting testimony to the courage and humanity of those who were harmed by the LGBT Purge, homophobic and transphobic laws and norms, and Canada’s colonial history.”

“Colonial history” is a reference to the expansion of Western of Civilization — which liberals have been working feverishly to reverse.

Appropriately, the monument will look like some kind of phallus eaten away by a horrific disease:

On a tip from Mike B.


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