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Sep 25 2023

Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to Nazi

Anyone who puts up resistance to leftism is likely to be denounced as a Nazi, however incongruously. Yet in Canada, where there is no effective resistance to leftism, a Nazi named Yaruslav Hunka received repeated standing ovations from Parliament Friday:

To watch these seals clap, you would think Hunka is transsexual. But his background is quite different:

Hunka was a soldier with the 14th “Galicia” division of the Waffen-SS, the military section of the Nazi SS, which was responsible for elements of terror from massive extermination camps to the daily torture and repression of citizens within occupied Europe. The International Military Tribunal that oversaw the Nuremberg war crimes trials declared the SS to be a criminal organization.

During World War II, Canada was allied with Russia, the country that did most of the heavy lifting to defeat the Nazis as the USA did against the Japanese. But now Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

The Associated Press captioned … a picture documenting Hunka’s presence, describing Hunka as having “fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.” The Galicia division was rechristened in 1945 with a Ukrainian name in order to avoid connecting it to the Waffen-SS.

Once again, 1984 helps us make sense of the news:

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

Hunka isn’t the only Nazi to find a welcome home in Canada:

David Pugliese has recently written of how Canada allowed thousands of former Waffen-SS members into Canada after the Second World War…

Regarding the Trudeau Regime in particular,

Ezra Levant noted, “Last year, Chrystia Freeland held up a scarf promoting a far-right Ukrainian Nationalist movement linked to Neo-Nazis commemorating Stefan Bandera, the Nazi criminal. Freeland deleted her social media posts, but not before the photo was saved.”

The inaptly named Freeland is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance under the metrosexual tyrant Trudeau.

Speaking of finances,

Hunka was a guest of Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Zelensky was in Ottawa to address a joint session of Parliament and to pick up more military aid from the Liberal government. …

During Zelensky’s visit to Canada, Trudeau dolled out more money to Ukraine, a $650 million “multi-year commitment that provides predictable, steady support to Ukraine,” as well as armored vehicles…

Open your wallets, Canadians!

On tips from Wiggins, Bluto, and Occam’s Stubble.


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2 Responses to “Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to Nazi”

  1. […] is awkward. While shoveling more money at Ukraine, the moonbats running Canada gave standing ovations to Yaroslav Hunka for heroically fighting the Russians in WWII. Meanwhile Poland — which like a […]


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