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May 23 2022

Carl Cameron Doubles Down on Prison for Conservatives

If modern tyranny has a face, it does not resemble granite-jawed 20th century fascist strongman Benito Mussolini. It is more like this face:

Former Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron (né Karl Emil Othmar Lamberg-Karlovsky), founder of the far left news aggregator Front Page Live, has been raising his status in the liberal media lately by calling for Americans to be imprisoned for deviating from Democrat Party ideology.

Last Tuesday, he took to MSNBC to cry,

“[W]e got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it’s time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail.”

When moonbats overstep into alarming radicalism, they rarely step back. Instead, they double down:

A former correspondent with Fox News suggested on Saturday that law enforcement agencies will have to take action against Fox News and Tucker Carlson to “stop the lying.”

Carl Cameron, Fox’s former chief political correspondent, told CNN’s Jim Acosta that Carlson in particular has been “screaming fire in a crowded movie house for years.”

Cameron literally wants journalists thrown in prison for publicly disagreeing with his dysfunctional ideology. MSNBC and CNN do not hesitate to provide him a platform as he makes this demand.

Freedom is for those strong enough to shoulder responsibility for their own lives. Tyranny is for the weak, who need Big Government to protect and make decisions for them. That’s why authoritarianism appeals to frail, pathetic rodents like Carl Cameron. It’s why police states tend to be run by Merrick Garland types.

Eagles and lions live free. Mice and rats squeak for censorship on behalf of the Party.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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