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Apr 06 2024

Climate Oppresses Transsexual Indonesian Prostitutes

According to the Experts, global warming poses an “existential threat” to life on Earth. The end of the world is hitting transsexual Indonesian prostitutes the hardest:

Joya Patiha, a 43-year-old Indonesian transgender woman, first started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting [his] income as a sex worker a decade ago.

The rainy season was lasting longer across the West Java province, winds were stronger and in some particularly bad years Patiha lost up to 80% of [his] earnings.

He was soliciting johns outdoors. Even some perverts know enough to stay out of the rain.

Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate changeā€¦

Even before liberals adopted the global warming hoax as a religion, it was difficult to exaggerate their absurdity. Now, it is virtually impossible. The Babylon Bee can barely stay a half step ahead of them.

But wait, the story has a happy ending. Weather forced Patiha to find alternatives to prostitution:

Patiha launched a cake-making business that same year, employing three trans friends when orders stacked up. [He] also started making and selling [his] own perfume last December.

Now, [he] is free from the income-sapping vagaries of the rain clouds and strong winds.

Since the climate will fluctuate no matter what we do, we would be wise to adapt to changing conditions like Mr. Patiha. But leftists would rather use the pretense of being able to control the weather as a pretext to seize more power.

On tips from Steve T and Barry A.


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