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Aug 24 2024

Cooling Atlantic Refutes Global Warming Hoax

To judge from Democrat/MSM rhetoric, it is surprising that the seas have not boiled away by now as a consequence of our hesitation to abandon our freedom and standard of living by submitting to the leftist climate agenda. Yet outside the bubble of propaganda inhabited by liberals, the Atlantic has been cooling.

Confesses a hysterical proponent of the global warming hoax:

The Atlantic Ocean is cooling at an exponential rate, and nobody is sure why. It’s been more than a year of record-high global sea temperatures, including being close to the collapse of the AMOC. Despite those troubles, though, the Atlantic is now experiencing something quite baffling—temperatures are cooling, and scientists are scrambling to figure out what’s going on.

This is especially challenging because The Experts need to explain it in a way that does not threaten their government grants by disputing the Democrat climate narrative.

Never mind; climate scold and WaPo owner Jeff Bezos just bought his fourth private jet. No doubt the emissions will warm the ocean back up again.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and WDS 2.0.


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