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Jun 19 2023

Dem Delegate Stacey Plaskett Wants Trump Shot

If this kind of Freudian slip comes out on television, imagine what Democrats hiss to each other behind the scenes:

Congressional Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI) had to correct herself on Sunday after she said during a live television interview that former President Donald Trump should be “shot.”

Plaskett made the comment during an appearance on MSNBC, during which she discussed the federal charges against Trump relating to his alleged mishandling of classified documents following his departure from the White House in January of 2021.

People like this have power:

Hillary Clinton illegally kept classified documents on a private server that was accessible to the whole world over the Internet. If Trump deserves to be shot for having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Shrillary must warrant impalement on a stake. Then there are the classified documents Biden himself has left strewn all over the place.

But I’m forgetting — complaining about the far more serious transgressions committed by Democrats is disinformation:

Try to get your head around the hypocrisy:

“And that’s the thing that I am concerned about with many of my colleagues in the GOP,” she said. “That they believe that there is a two-tiered system, but the two-tiered system is not to punish them more, it’s to – they want it to allow them to get away with more than everyday Americans.”

If anything good has come of the Biden Regime, it is that the Injustice Department has been so ham-fisted about using the FBI as a political weapon that maybe Americans will demand it be abolished before it can finish degenerating into the KGB.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, seaoh, and KirklesWorth.


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