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Sep 24 2022

FBI SWAT Raid on Pro-Lifer Mark Houck

The police state intimidation tactics were not likely to end at Mar-a-Lago. Mark Houck serves as an example of what can happen to those who speak up in defense of unborn children:

A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.

This has incurred the disfavor of our militantly tolerant degenerate overlords.

According to his wife Ryan-Marie … the SWAT team of 25 to 30 FBI agents swarmed their property with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. [Friday] morning. Having quickly surrounded the house with rifles in firing position, “they started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it.”

After at first refusing, the FBI goons produced an arrest warrant. Houck was charged with violating the “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act,” which was designed to protect abortion mills from Christians who discourage customers by praying in the vicinity.

Houck supposedly attacked a “patient escort.”

Ryan-Marie stated this charge comes from an incident that had already been thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia but was somehow picked up by Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice.

Let’s note here that Barack Obama appointed the conspicuously malevolent ratlike authoritarian Merrick Garland to sit on the Supreme Court. Democrats nearly managed to place him there.

On several occasions when Mark went to sidewalk counsel last year, he took his eldest son, who was only 12 at the time, she explained. For “weeks and weeks,” a “pro-abortion protester” would speak to the boy saying “crude … inappropriate and disgusting things,” such as “you’re dad’s a fag,” and other statements that were too vulgar for her to convey.

By now we all know how vile activist moonbats can get.

Repeatedly, Mark would tell this pro-abortion man that he did not have permission to speak to his son and please refrain from doing so. And “he kept doing it and kind of came into [the son’s] personal space” obscenely ridiculing his father. At this point, “Mark shoved him away from his child, and the guy fell back.”

No injury resulted. The social justice warrior tried to sue Houck and was laughed out of court. But Merrick Garland isn’t laughing.

Garland’s Department of Justice and the FBI have committed dozens of SWAT team raids that have been characterized as a political “weaponization” of the federal agencies against pro-lifers, Trump supporters, conservative Christians, and medical freedom advocates.

Meanwhile, abortion advocates continue to wage a terror war against facilities that help women deal with unwanted pregnancy without killing the child. The latest:

For the sake of appearances, the FBI is finally going through the motions of investigating the ongoing epidemic of pro-abortion terror. However:

Six days after the FBI announced a formal investigation into a series of attacks against churches and pro-life organizations, the agency seems to be following through but apparently has made no arrests.

The Washington Stand contacted 27 pregnancy resource centers and pro-life organizations that had been attacked since May 2. Four of the centers said the FBI had reached out to them, seven said that the FBI had not as yet contacted them, and 14 did not respond to the request for comment. …

Overall, The Washington Stand has counted at least 63 acts of violence, property destruction, and disruption of religious services in the 52 days since the leak of the draft Supreme Court decision. Forty-four of these incidents have directly involved property destruction and vandalism of churches, pregnancy resource centers, and other pro-life organizations.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the FBI to arrest anyone.

Under the rule of what the Democrat Party has become, we have a two-tiered system of justice. This entails two-tiered law enforcement; its primary purpose at the federal level is not to enforce the law but to terrorize dissidents. Accordingly, the Biden Regime has been “pressuring agents to cook up domestic terrorist cases involving racist extremists.”

The FBI has embraced its new mission. Targeting a veterans group as “facilitators of domestic terror” is one example. The theatrical arrest of Mark Houck is another.

On tips from Chris Neilson, MrRightWingDave, and TCS III.


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6 Responses to “FBI SWAT Raid on Pro-Lifer Mark Houck”

  1. […] hope the FBI stays out of it; otherwise, a SWAT team might be dispatched to the victim’s […]

  2. […] the FBI at once. If praying near an abortion clinic calls for dozens of heavily armed agents, they will want to deploy a whole army now that we have evidence that there really is racism […]

  3. […] the FBI at once. If praying near an abortion clinic calls for dozens of heavily armed agents, they will want to deploy a whole army now that we have evidence that there really is racism […]

  4. […] BCP Council would like to borrow an FBI SWAT team to raid the homes and terrorize the families of those who display Christian symbols near baby […]

  5. […] The case of investigative journalist James Gordon Meek, who has not been seen since a Mar-a-Lago/Mark Houck-style FBI raid on his home in April, suggests this may be happening […]

  6. […] The case of investigative journalist James Gordon Meek, who has not been seen since a Mar-a-Lago/Mark Houck-style FBI raid on his home in April, suggests this may be happening […]


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