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Aug 20 2022

Dem Spending Blowout to Hurt Middle Class and Eagles

The value of the US dollar will not be the only victim of the inflationary spending blowout that Democrats insolently call the Inflation Reduction Act. Other casualties will include the middle class that defines America and the eagles that symbolize it.

Regarding the middle class,

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Inflation Reduction Act slammed through by Democrats is going to hit middle-class working Americans hard in the wallet with $20 billion in new taxes at a time when they can least afford it. …

Not only is the middle-class set to get hammered with $20,000 billion in taxes over the next decade, but the 87,000 new IRS agents added to the agency, roughly doubling its force, will also allegedly be busy auditing those same struggling Americans. …

The CBO’s conclusion echoes that of an earlier report from the Joint Committee on Taxation that determined that the $80 billion the bill will spend on IRS expansion will wind up targeting small business owners…

Biden arrogantly signed the bill despite having repeatedly promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) introduced an amendment to protect these Americans from increased IRS scrutiny under the bill. This was shot down by Democrats along party lines, as they continued to follow fellow Marxist Vladimir Lenin’s advice to crush the middle class between the millstones of taxation and inflation.

Regarding eagles,

Biden is ramping up wind energy developments which scientists say could lead to 20,000 golden eagle deaths over a ten-year period, equal to roughly 50% of the species’ population, which is about 40,000, according to the AP, citing a United States Geological Survey (USGS) study. …

The expansion of wind power is a key part of President Joe Biden’s climate agenda that seeks to replace fossil fuels with green energy sources like wind turbines in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions economy-wide by 2050.

We are insultingly asked to believe that hideous wind turbines will improve the weather. Their actual purpose is to launder taxpayer money to pay off Democrat campaign donors, a form of corruption perfected by Biden’s mentor Obama.

Government officials collect golden eagle death numbers via an online system used by government agencies, companies, scientists, tribes and private groups, according to the AP. However, officials refuse to reveal exactly how many eagles are killed by wind farms, arguing that it is critical law enforcement information.

No doubt the number of small businesses that are taxed out of existence to pay for useless wind turbines will also be suppressed as “critical law enforcement information.”

It is estimated that more than one million birds a year are killed by wind turbines, according to the conservationist NGO, the Sierra Club.

There is zero chance that wind turbines will meet more than a small fraction of our energy needs, much less stop the climate from fluctuating the way it always has and always will.

Imagine if you could cure cancer just by not voting for it. Yet half the population continues to vote for Democrats.

Here’s what they’re wasting our money on.


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2 Responses to “Dem Spending Blowout to Hurt Middle Class and Eagles”

  1. […] atop the Inflation Reduction Act’s $740 billion of brazenly wasteful spending on crap like eagle-killing wind turbines and lavish subsidies for the electric moonbatmobiles favored by rich […]

  2. […] word on how many dead eagles for 1 kilowatt-hour of inefficient green […]


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