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Sep 29 2023

Democrat–Transsexual Split?

Democrats have gone out of their way to pander to transsexuals, placing them at the pinnacle of the victimhood hierarchy. But too much is never enough regarding pampering privileged identity groups. Newsweek reports that most transsexuals do not consider themselves Democrats:

While four out of 10 would say they are Democrats, a higher percentage identified as independent or something else.

According to the [KFF/Washington Post Trans Survey], 28 percent said they were independent, while another 20 percent said they identified as something else. Unsurprisingly, only 10 percent identified with the Republican party compared to roughly 45 percent of the national population.

If Asa Hutchinson and Crispy Creme Christie can call themselves Republicans, so can 10% of transsexuals.

No doubt the vast majority of cross-dressers vote for Democrats if only to poke regular Americans in the eye. But there could be an opening for a third party candidate, considering that virtually nobody likes Joe Biden — assuming Democrats wait too long to pull their switcheroo and replace him with Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom.

[A]s the study reflects, transgender people are more likely to face economic instability and mental health issues, which some feel the Democratic party is not adequately addressing.

They do have unmet needs regarding mental health.

“[Democrats] want me to say something like ‘let trans people be’ and that’s not enough,” Xemiyulu Manibusan Tapepechul, a transgender writer and advocate, told New Republic. “We need trans people to be housed. We need trans people to have food, to have jobs, to be able to find love, to have families, and be safe.”

In Liberalese, to “be safe” is to be protected from resistance and criticism through the suppression of free speech. Helping transsexuals to “have families” after they have destroyed their reproductive abilities through grotesque sex change procedures is a challenge to be met through more science gone wrong.

On the flip side, many formerly left-leaning individuals are finding themselves at odds with some of the more controversial transgender policies, namely allowing children to be treated with puberty blockers if they identify with the opposite gender.

Democrat policy regarding the transsexualization of children is so indisputably evil that it is driving the last decent people out of the party. Unfortunately, there may still be enough left to win elections.

On a tip from Mike B.


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