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Aug 05 2023

Democrats Condemn Jailing Opposition

Liberal elitists live in a bubble populated by their own kind. Anyone outside it is dismissed as “deplorable.” The resulting lack of self-awareness leads to astonishing extremes of hypocrisy.

The most gifted comedian would struggle to pull this off with a straight face. Yet Antony Blinken probably isn’t aware of the irony:

True enough, it is not good that Vladimir Putin subverts the legal system to jail political opposition.

Closer to home, Byron York comments on the Biden Regime’s latest bid to imprison the leading opposition candidate on ludicrous charges:

Special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of former President Donald Trump covering the 2020 election and Jan. 6 is Trump’s third indictment […] and it could not be more political. Covering the period immediately after the 2020 election through Jan. 6, Smith’s indictment is a rehash of the Jan. 6 committee report in indictment form. The committee, of course, was one of the most one-sided exercises ever to take place on Capitol Hill, with all its members marching in lockstep under the direction of a Republican Trump antagonist, then-Rep. Liz Cheney.

After teary-eyed CNN propagandist Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney is every Democrats’ favorite former GOP congresscritter. Both turncoats acted as partisan Democrats during the January 6 show trials.

The new Smith indictment targets political speech and characterizes it as criminal activity. “You don’t have to be a defender of Donald Trump to worry about where this will lead,” wrote the Wall Street Journal editorial board. “It makes any future election challenges, however valid, legally vulnerable to a partisan prosecutor.”

As Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) observes,

“Every time a Republican won the presidency this century, Democrats tried to stop the certification. Yet none of them faced criminal charges over what is obviously First Amendment protected activity.”

As with jailing political opponents, it’s okay when Democrats do it.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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