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Jun 08 2023

Denver Proposal Attacks Food Processing

Denver leftists are waging the War on Food at the local level:

A proposed citizen-initiated Denver ordinance to ban any facility where livestock animals are killed to produce food could cost hundreds of workers their jobs as well as create a larger ripple effect into the state’s economy if it successfully makes it onto the ballot and passes. …

The proposal, titled “Prohibition of Slaughterhouses” is currently in the signature gathering phase and would prohibit “the construction, maintenance, or use of” any meat processing facilities in Denver beginning January 1, 2026…

The motive for this malice is to appease liberal climate gods, who don’t like it when we eat a normal human diet.

The legislative intent of the proponents includes seeking an increase in plant-based protein sources, as well as pushing the claim that livestock is a major contributor to climate change, though no explanation is provided as to how pushing existing meat processing outside of Denver city limits would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If enough signatures are gathered it would appear on the April 2024 municipal election ballot.

You can have moonbat rule or you can have food. You won’t have both for long.

On a tip from R F.


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