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Feb 08 2022

Disorderly Conduct Charges for Illinois Hate Hoax

The deluge of Hate Hoaxes continues, wasting countless manhours because even the most trivial alleged “hate crimes” are treated like multiple murders by the authorities. Encouragingly, the hoaxer behind a recent incident at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has actually been charged for her criminal behavior:

Illinois law enforcement announced Friday that Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins, a black female college student, will be charged with three counts of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report. …

“SIUE Police received [on January 23] a report of a hate crime involving the posting of hand-written notes on the door of a room in Woodland Residence Hall, along with an alleged anonymous text message thread from fall 2021 containing threatening and racially hostile content,” campus Director of Media Relations Megan Wieser said in an email to The Fix.


They literally made a federal case out of it, involving not only the campus police but the Madison County State’s Attorney’s Office and the US Secret Service.

The investigation cleared two white students falsely accused of involvement, Amanda Jerome and Jimmi Thull.

A lynch mob had taken to to demand the expulsion of Jerome and Thull.

Hoaxers pull hoaxes because they get so much attention. But the excessive attention often results in their childishly contrived hoaxes being exposed.

Nonetheless, the hoaxes will continue, until one of three things happens: (1) authorities stop overreacting to trivial incidents like racist notes; (2) punishment is consistently applied and severe enough to be taken seriously; or (3) the supply of racism against politically favored groups rises to meet the demand.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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