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Jun 14 2023

Drinking Water Offends the Climate

Eventually liberals will ban all food because it is produced through agriculture, which offends the climate. This will leave us to subsist on water. But wait; the climate doesn’t want us drinking water either. From Germany:

The “non-profit” association “a tip:tap” recently commissioned a remarkable study on the climate damage caused by sparkling water. Somebody must have noticed that sparkling water equals carbon dioxide equals CO2 — which is essential for life (on Earth), but deemed a “climate killer” and thus as a trace gas, an alleged “environmental toxin”…

Okay, we’ll have to give up seltzer, or else the weather will get mad. What about mineral water?

The result of the study followed as expected: it now also declares drinking mineral water to be a climate sin. Because: Its consumption in Germany consumes around 1.5 times as much CO2 as the entire domestic German air traffic, calculate the green flunky scientists. Even during its production, mineral water requires many more process steps than tap water because it has to be cleaned after treatment and bottled under higher standards. In addition, the production of the bottles, the transport to the supermarket and the way home from there drive emissions even further up. Overall, according to the study, mineral water produces 202.74 g of CO2 equivalents per liter — tap water, on the other hand, only 0.35 g.

Consequently, leftists are demanding that only tap water be allowed.

No doubt it will soon be discovered that tap water also oppresses the climate.

They might let us collect rainwater, except that our very existence is offensive.

On a tip from R F.


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