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May 02 2021

Early Release for up to 76,000 California Inmates

Meanwhile, as our liberal rulers wage a relentless propaganda war against local police, tie their hands, cut their funding, and reduce their numbers, we read this from California, the model for single-party Democrat rule:

California is giving 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, the opportunity to leave prison earlier as the state aims to further trim the population of what once was the nation’s largest state correctional system.

At least 20,000 of these felons had been given life sentences.

By making them “emergency regulations” the agency could impose the new rules without public comment.

Everything is an emergency now. That way, our rulers get less pushback from those they rule.

Overcrowding is usually offered as an excuse for unleashing criminals on the public…

Meantime, officials announced in mid-April that they will close a second prison as a result of the dwindling [prison] population… California Correctional Center in Susanville will close by July 2022. Officials announced last fall that Deuel Vocational Institution in Tracy, east of San Francisco, will close by this October.

At this point, it would be hard to deny that Democrats want there to be more violent crime. The only question is why. An attack on gun rights is at least part of the answer.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair and R F.


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