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Jun 28 2023

Envirokooks Kill Whales

Remember when their bumper stickers admonished us to Save the Whales? Now enviromoonbats kill the whales — to please the climate:

Along the Jersey Shore, several companies, including Atlantic Shores (owned jointly by oil and gas titan Shell and the French-based utility company EDF) and Danish-based Orsted, are mapping the ocean floor—the first step toward construction of hundreds of mammoth offshore wind turbines. Many will be smack in the face of some of the wealthiest shorefront communities on the East Coast. But it wasn’t just the soon-to-be disfigurement of the magnificent ocean views that got people really agitated. It was all those dead whales and dolphins.

From last December to mid-April, there were forty-one marine mammal strandings along the New Jersey shore alone. …

If you include New York whale strandings during that same time period, two minke whales, four more humpbacks, two sperm whales, and one unidentified whale can be added to the tally. And during the writing of this article, ten more dolphins stranded off the New Jersey coast, with another dead female minke whale, two deceased humpbacks observed floating in New York waters, and another unidentified whale washing ashore in Hempstead on East Atlantic Beach, Long Island.

The deaths have apparently been caused by offshore surveying activities, for which official authorizations to “harass” marine mammals has been granted.

No worries; our moonbat rulers say this is all “disinformation”:

There is “no evidence linking the strandings to offshore wind energy development,” said the Marine Mammal Commission, a government agency that was established by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 to provide “independent oversight.” The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more commonly referred to as NOAA Fisheries, agreed, as did the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). Quick to join in were environmental groups such as Greenpeace, which called any suggestion of a connection between whale deaths and sonar activity “a cynical disinformation campaign.”

Headlines soon started appearing, such as one in the Philadelphia Inquirer labeling suspicions of sonar involvement in whale deaths “right-wing conspiracy theories.”

No doubt the dead dolphins will rest easier in light of official denials from the liberal establishment.

The actual effect of windfarm activities on them is undetermined.

Marine mammals don’t matter. Whether hideous, inefficient, taxpayer-subsidized windmills have any effect whatsoever on the allegedly problematic climate doesn’t matter either. All that matters is righteous green posturing, which conveniently helps government officials launder taxpayer money.

On a tip from Bill V.


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