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Jul 22 2022

ESPN Gives ESPY to Traitor Eileen Gu

Treason is a moonbat’s primary impulse, so it should come as no surprise that ESPN — which is more about liberal politics than sports — has bestowed an ESPY award for “Breakthrough Athlete of the Year” on the insufferably woke Eileen Gu, a biracial American who betrayed her country to compete in the 2022 Olympics in Beijing for communist China.

From the New York Post:

Her father is American and her mother is Chinese. She won the gold medal in women’s freestyle big air — and cashed in to the tune of an estimated tens of millions of dollars in Chinese endorsement deals in the process.

Funny she chooses to live in the country she was born and grew up in, not the one she competes for — despite concluding her acceptance speech in Chinese.

Try to imagine an American with a German mother competing for the Nazis in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin — then being applauded by the establishment for it. This could not have happened. That’s why the USA defeated the Germans, but is likely to be defeated in turn by the Chinese.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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