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Sep 06 2022

Extended Standing Ovation for Bisexual Cannibal Movie

If politics is downstream of culture, and film festivals represent culture, the future is going to look like a cross between a San Francisco bathhouse and Idi Amin’s Uganda to judge by this:

The new film Bones and All starring Timothée Chalamet as a bone-crunching, bi-sexual cannibal was greeted with an 8.5-minute standing ovation at its premiere Friday night at the Venice Film Festival.

The [movie] is reportedly as gruesome and gory as the name suggests … as Varity reports. …

Chalamet got his big break from a gay romance helmed by the same director [Luca Guadagnino], alongside Armie Hammer, whose career is now imploding because of a cannibalism scandal.

Hammer reputedly really is a cannibal. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. At least, we won’t be permitted to find anything wrong with it for long, unless we want to be canceled as bigots. Hammer may be ahead of his time, but not by much.

Every excretion of the entertainment establishment moves us closer to the depraved nightmare world the degenerate liberal ruling class wants to impose on us.

Nuke it from orbit.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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