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Nov 14 2023

Fat Mannequin for Medical Students

Now that people who eat too much have joined the Cultural Marxist coalition, it isn’t only Cosmo cover girls and soap salesracists who are conspicuously overweight. Even mannequins vie for the special privileges that can be secured by qualifying as obese:

Aston University has launched what was claimed to be the world’s first overweight manikin for medical students because so many adults in England are now too fat. The device is based on the body of an overweight woman and is aimed at giving patients greater dignity by giving medics the skills to better treat larger people.

The corpulently correct mannequin is the brainchild of Professor Liz Moores, deputy dean of the College of Health and Life Sciences, who credits herself with achieving another milestone for diversity:

“We want our students to know how to resuscitate people irrespective of body type. Whilst diversity in manikins has already extended to skin tone, age and more recently certain disabilities, there are no realistic looking and feeling obese manikins available in the UK.”

No corner of human endeavor is beyond the reach of moonbattery — including medical education, which entails indoctrinating students on the oppressive history of the body mass index.

On a tip from Mike B.


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