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Dec 28 2023

Free Condoms for the World Because the Weather

According to Democrat ideology, your money is not your money; it is the government’s money. The US government exists to promote a globalist agenda, not the interests of those who live under it. Casual sex is to be encouraged in keeping with the liberal lifestyle, but human procreation is to be curtailed, because humanity is bad for the planet. Keeping all this in mind, you are prepared to read that despite continuing inflation and a national debt that is skyrocketing toward $34 trillion, the federal government is spending our money on mountains of free condoms — for other countries:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sent 65.5 million condoms, 9.8 million injectable birth control products and 334,000 IUDs abroad in fiscal year 2022 as part of its efforts to facilitate family planning, especially in the third world, according to an agency document overviewing the program.

“Family planning” is an Orwellian euphemism for preventing children. A stated purpose is to address “climate vulnerability.”

Our rulers literally believe that condoms improve the weather, presumably because every human soul brought into existence makes the world a worse place through harmless carbon emissions. Or maybe condoms serve as magic talismans for liberals, due to their association with decadent behavior.

The inevitable fluctuation of the climate is a crisis in part because “climate change-related displacement can worsen already entrenched gender inequalities” according to USAID. It all fits together, in the minds of moonbats.

The degenerates looting our country to death are insane.

USAID will be abolished if Americans ever regain control of their government and redirect it toward serving their own interests. Bureaucrats spending your money on other people is not charity. It is theft.

On a tip from Varla.


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