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Jun 27 2024

Gay Couple Praised After Adopted Baby Dies

Establishment propagandists must be able to find a silver lining in even the most horrible stories.

A baby girl in California died after she was left inside a car “for hours.” Despite the tragic circumstances of the girl’s untimely death, the Daily Mail, which published the exclusive report about it, showered praise on the gay couple who adopted her.

Romer and Jayson De Los Santos may have let 2-month-old Diana Sofia die in an SUV parked outside their home, but the important thing is to affirm their gay “marriage.”

The Daily Mail […] fawned over the “adorable photos” the men had posted on social media, showing them “cradling” Diana and introducing her to her [previously acquired] brother.

A less establishmentarian outlet might take a more skeptical stance:

Despite the glowing account from the Daily Mail, the Publica reported that the speed at which the De Los Santoses had been able to adopt Diana “has raised concerns.” The Publica noted that newborns are in high demand for prospective adoptive parents, who often have to wait a year or more before adopting a baby.

Romer De Los Santos probably got an extra helping of gay privilege through his local activism. He used to be cochair of San Diego LGBT Pride.

It is usually innocent children who pay the price for rainbow social engineering.


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