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Apr 21 2024

Glacier Is Running for President of Iceland

If Joe Biden is fit to be President of the USA, then a pile of ice is more than qualified to be president of Iceland. So a glacier named Snæfellsjökull has entered the race:

“It suddenly just came to me. What if the glacier was president?” said [campaign organizer Angela] Rawlings. It was a seemingly unorthodox way to push forward a movement that was already swiftly advancing; Ecuador had enshrined legal rights for nature while Māori in New Zealand were working to secure legal personhood for the Whanganui River.

A campaign organization has been assembled:

[A] team of more than 50 people scrambles to secure Snæfellsjökull a spot on the ballot in the country’s upcoming election on 1 June.

According to leftist doctrine, glaciers will soon melt due to white people and capitalism, so they had better give serious thought to who will be VP.

Rawlings’s ambitions go beyond putting a piece of ice in charge of Iceland:

“Getting on the ballot itself would be a huge step for increasing awareness around the rights of nature movements internationally,” said Rawlings. “It would set an extraordinary precedent to be considering non-human entities for these kinds of positions.”

I used to expect that at any moment leftists would burst out laughing at countermoonbats for thinking they were serious. But no, they really are this crazy.

On a tip from Steve T.


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