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Feb 21 2024

Homosexual Intifada in Seattle

Following the horrific terror atrocities of October 7, leftists like Jon Stewart have gone out of their way to embrace Muslim terrorism, even attempting to merge Islam with their own malevolent ideology. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength.” Good thing moonbats are already nuts, or cognitive dissonance would drive them mad:

After another pro-Hamas/anti-Israel march and rally that took over city streets that Seattle mayor Bruce Harrell ceded, the extremists plastered their signage around downtown Seattle. That’s when we started seeing a new flyer showing two men with faces covered with keffiyeh while embracing in a kiss. The pink-hued message says “Homo-sexual Intifada” in all caps.

Would this fly in Gaza?

Sure it would fly. Straight off a rooftop.

Under Hamas rule, being openly gay isn’t just a social taboo; it’s a fast track to execution. LGBT people face arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings based purely on sexual orientation … with, ironically, gay Palestinians fleeing to Israel for refuge.

But Israel reminds leftists of America; therefore it is bad.

Maybe the posters indicate that LGBT militants are planning Hamas-style systematic rape, mutilation, and murder of innocent civilians to advance their political objectives through terror. It seems unlikely, but then people who would inflict “gender-affirming care” on children are capable of anything.

On a tip from Barry A.


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