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Jun 17 2021

How Unhealthy Covid Masks Are for Children

Whatever reasons the liberal ruling class has for continuing to inflict Covid masks, they are not trying to improve our health. Any American adult who wants a Covid vaccine already has it. For young children, “the risk of serious complications is higher for flu compared with COVID-19,” according to the CDC. As noted at Townhall,

[W]e on Team Reality have not only continued to point to real-world data that shows masking to be entirely ineffective, we’ve also maintained that forced public masking, especially long-term, has negative societal and even health ramifications that the powers-that-be are all-too-happy to ignore in subservience to their newfound face mask god.

These health ramifications are worse than we knew:

A group of parents in Gainesville, FL, sent 6 face masks to a lab at the University of Florida, requesting an analysis of contaminants found on the masks after they had been worn. The resulting report found that five masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria. Although the test is capable of detecting viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, only one virus was found on one mask (alcelaphine herpesvirus 1).

Pathogens found on the masks cause pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, keratitis, food poisoning, Lyme disease, Legionnaire’s disease, and sepsis.

Harmful pathogens are all around us. Collecting them on our faces and rebreathing them for hours on end is not healthy.

Then there is the obvious issue of hypoxia.

The masks are a symbol of compliance, not a health measure. Forcing children to wear them is child abuse.

On a tip from Wife of Jack S.


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3 Responses to “How Unhealthy Covid Masks Are for Children”

  1. […] So long as masks are worn on a voluntary basis, moonbats are welcome to make fools of themselves. But forcing children to wear the unhealthy things is criminal. […]

  2. […] So long as masks are worn on a voluntary basis, moonbats are welcome to make fools of themselves. But forcing children to wear the unhealthy things is criminal. […]

  3. […] is no medical reason for children to wear dehumanizing and highly unhealthy Covid masks. If we ever figure out why they are forced to wear them anyway, we will have new […]


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