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Aug 28 2024

Illegal Alien Manages to Get Deported From Poland

It would be hard to imagine a more graphic example of the cultural enrichment inflicted on Europeans by their governments than an unnamed illegal immigrant from Senegal using a public beach in Poland as a toilet. Surprisingly, he was deported.

It wasn’t his first brush with authorities:

He was initially detained in September 2023 for illegal smuggling. During that arrest, he resisted, leading officers to use direct force.

Yet he was allowed to remain, lest Poland be denied his contributions to the multicultural fabric.

This time, however…

…the illegal migrant was escorted to Warsaw’s Okęcie Airport, from where he was flown back to Senegal.

No doubt Polish taxpayers treated him to comfy flight accommodations. He will be back crapping amid Polish bathers within weeks.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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