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Sep 01 2023

Islamic Law Threatens Denmark

Muslims have a way to go to achieve majority status in Denmark, but they may already have achieved hegemony:

Amid growing pressure and threats of terrorist retaliation, officials in Denmark have caved and called for burning the Quran to be made a crime after such acts sparked protests domestically and around the Muslim world.

For centuries, Europeans fought to achieve and defend fundamental rights like free speech. A single generation of cowards could undo their accomplishment.

Free speech is guaranteed by the Danish constitution — and yet:

According to Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard, the new law would be written into existing legislation banning the desecration of other nations’ flags, and would “prohibit the inappropriate treatment of objects of significant religious importance to a religious community.”

He added that the primary purpose of the legislation was to target those who publicly disrespect such objects, and that anyone who violates the law could face up to two years in prison, or a fine.

Sniffs Hummelgaard:

“I fundamentally believe there are more civilized ways to express one’s views than burning things.”

Yet Hummelgaard is participating in the dismantling of civilization by allowing a backward alien culture to deny Europeans their rights.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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