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Oct 29 2020

Islamic War of Conquest Escalates in France

Following the murder of Samuel Paty, France finally pushed back, asserting the Western principle of free speech by projecting haram Charlie Hebdo cartoons onto buildings in defiance of Islam. Now comes the counterattack. From the BBC:

Three people have been killed in a knife attack at a church in the French city of Nice, police say. …

One elderly victim who was praying was “virtually beheaded”. Another woman and a man also died. A suspect was shot and detained shortly afterwards.

Also on Thursday,

A man was shot dead in Montfavet near the southern French city of Avignon after threatening police with a handgun.

Separately, a guard was attacked outside the French consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

Even the Beeb seems to understand the motive.

Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi spoke of “Islamo-fascism” and said the suspect had “repeated endlessly ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is greatest)”. …

Police have not suggested a motive for the attack in Nice. However, it follows days of protests in some Muslim-majority countries triggered by President Macron’s defence of the publication of cartoons that depicted the Prophet Mohammed.

Nice has experienced the multicultural splendors of Islamic infiltration before:

Four years ago Nice was the scene of another terror attack, when a Tunisian drove a truck into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on 14 July, killing 86 people.

French ambassador to Sweden Etienne de Gonneville was premature when he announced recently that “France is a Muslim country.” But it will be one before the violence stops.

Once the Muslim population of a land reaches a certain percentage, violence will be unrelenting until the country succumbs to Islam. The only other option is to cast the invaders out, as Spain did following the Reconquista. But no one has the belly for that, so the French need to get used to the bloodshed. For demographic reasons, the violence will escalate dramatically until France is absorbed into the umma, at which point French civilization will have been extinguished.

On tips from DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS and Dragon’s Lair.


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One Response to “Islamic War of Conquest Escalates in France”

  1. […] Joseph Watson proposes a radical new solution to the Islamic terror being waged against the citizens of France. Drop the virtue signaling and stop importing […]


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