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Apr 29 2024

James Carville: First Sore Loser Democrat of 2024?

The arrogance of the Biden Regime had me thinking that sufficient fraud had been arranged so that voters would not be a factor in November. But maybe we will have something resembling a fair election after all. An early sore loser Democrat has already emerged from his crevice, blinking at the daylight, sputtering obscenities. Watch the obnoxious Clintonista James Carville rave bitterly that unless the party of the decadent establishment maintains its grip on power, there will be no government left and furthermore the government will be a theocracy — all because youth are disobediently failing to embrace leftist priorities:

To watch Carville sobbing on November 6 would be wonderful. Let’s make it happen.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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