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Feb 24 2021

John Kerry’s Treason During Trump Administration

Biden’s handlers picked the right guy to coordinate with foreign globalists on subjugating the USA to the Great Reset. The name John Kerry has been synonymous with treason for a generation. His behavior continued to reinforce this reputation throughout the previous administration. This makes him a good fit with the Biden team:

Members of the Biden administration, including former Secretary of State John Kerry and current special envoy on Iran policy Robert Malley, held backchannel meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif during Trump’s presidency in attempt to undermine the Republican president, according to a new report from the Washington Times.

The meetings were reportedly part of a counter-diplomacy effort by the former Obama-era officials — who now serve in the Biden administration — which “allowed for the Iranian regime to bypass Trump and work directly with Obama administration veterans that Tehran hoped would soon return to power in Washington,” according to several unnamed national security and intelligence sources.

Sounds like the Logan Act could be put to good use. It criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments.

One former senior U.S. official told the Times that the “underlying goal” of the meetings was “to devise a political strategy to undermine the Trump administration” and set the stage for a more accommodating U.S. stance towards Iran in anticipation of Obama-era officials returning to power.

On second thought, this is beyond the Logan Act. Considering that Iran is our most aggressive enemy, having in effect been at war with United States since 1979, 18 US Code § 2381 applies. This criminalizes treason.

That Kerry has illicitly conspired with the terrorists running Iran was well known to Biden’s handlers and the broader liberal establishment long before he was picked as Climate Czar. This appeared in the liberal Daily Beast back in September 2018:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed his predecessor John Kerry after Kerry said he met with Iranian officials after leaving office.

Fumed Pompeo,

“This is a former secretary of state engaged with the world’s largest state sponsor of terror and according to him, he was talking to them, he was telling them to wait out this administration.” He continued, saying Kerry “ought not engage in this kind of behavior” and calling it “beyond inappropriate.”

Kerry had admitted to meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif repeatedly to discuss the disastrous nuclear agreement that Obama rammed through without Senate ratification but Trump pulled out of. The agreement paves the way for Iran to become a nuclear power.

No wonder Zarif now considers himself to be in a position to demand the USA pay Iran $1 trillion:

The Biden administration can hand over the mind-boggling amount as “reparation” or “investment” in the Iranian economy, regime’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif demanded on Sunday.

It must have been an oversight that Democrats did not include this in the gargantuan “COVID relief” pork fest package. What’s another $trillion when American currency will soon be inflated to worthlessness anyway?

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Bluto, and Dragon’s Lair.


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4 Responses to “John Kerry’s Treason During Trump Administration”

  1. […] post John Kerry’s Treason During Trump Administration appeared first on […]

  2. […] it is refreshing to see Democrats stand up to Iran for a change, can’t we steer clear of the perennial quagmire Syria? It is likely to bog us down in a […]

  3. […] the global warming hoax and coronavirus hysteria to impose what it calls the Great Reset. Career traitor John Kerry is the point man in the White House for subordinating the USA’s interests to this […]

  4. […] the global warming hoax and coronavirus hysteria to impose what it calls the Great Reset. Career traitor John Kerry is the point man in the White House for subordinating the USA’s interests to this […]


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