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Feb 23 2024

Journalist/Terrorist Yousef Masoud Gets Polk Award

Remember Yousef Masoud? He was among the journalists embedded with terrorists or rather terrorists posing as journalists who took part in the crimes against humanity that occurred last October 7. For his service in the war against decency and sanity:

Among the winners of the George Polk Awards is a journalist from The New York Times who is accused of infiltrating into Israel early in the morning of the October 7 massacres.

Yousef was credited with taking a photo of terrorists waving a Palestinian flag next to a destroyed Israeli tank on that infamous day.

[Media watchdog] HonestReporting questioned Masoud’s explanation of his presence that he’d been woken up at 5.30 a.m. by rocket fire even though the firing only started an hour later. …

Masoud’s name was included in an investigative report from November showing that journalists from leading news outlets, including The New York Times, AP, Reuters, and CNN, joined Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip on October 7 to document the events with their cameras.

What you tolerate you get more of. Walter Duranty of the New York Times was rewarded with a Pulitzer for lying to the public to cover the tens of millions Stalin was murdering during the Holodomor. The perversion of journalism on behalf of pure evil by leftists continues.

Finally, there is some pushback:

A Jewish advocacy group filed a lawsuit on Wednesday charging the Associated Press with “material support of terrorism,” asserting that the news wire made payments to known agents of Hamas.

The National Jewish Advocacy Center asserts that on and after October 7, the date of the Hamas massacre of over 1,200 Israelis, the AP paid for real-time images of the attacks being carried out by photographers who are “known associates” of the terrorist group. Included in the group of images were scenes of Israeli hostages being transported into Gaza, where many of them have since been killed.

Yousef Masoud is among the “journalists” listed in the suit. He has been working on a freelance basis for both the New York Times and Associated Press.

The point of terrorism is to generate propaganda to demoralize the enemy. Terrorists need the MSM more than we do. They work together for a common goal: the downfall of Western Civilization.

Morally, the only difference between the liberal media establishment and Hamas fiends who butcher children and rape females of all ages is that the terrorists aren’t traitors.

On a tip from Bluto.


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2 Responses to “Journalist/Terrorist Yousef Masoud Gets Polk Award”

  1. […] of advancing its ideology. Another recent example is journalist/terrorist Yousef Masoud winning a Polk Award for journalism participating in the terror atrocities of October 7. Consequently, awards are no […]

  2. […] of advancing its ideology. Another recent example is journalist/terrorist Yousef Masoud winning a Polk Award for journalism participating in the terror atrocities of October 7. Consequently, awards are no […]


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