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Mar 26 2021

Kudos to Cruz

The only way COVID-19 tyranny won’t last forever is if countermoonbats stand up to liberals’ weaponized hysteria. Ted Cruz demonstrated how it is done during a news conference on Wednesday.

In a video of the conference, a reporter can be heard asking, “Would you mind putting a mask on for us?”

Cruz responded, “Yeah, when I’m talking to the TV camera I’m not going to wear a mask, and all of us have been immunized,” gesturing to his fellow lawmakers.

The reporter pressed further and insisted that Cruz putting on a mask would “make us feel better.”

Cruz, however, fired back, “You’re welcome to step away if you like,” and added that the “whole point of a vaccine” was so that he no longer had to wear a mask.

However, the whole point of the mask is to make moonbats feel better.

That’s why reporters often wear them even though they are probably immunized and more than 6 feet from anyone. We don’t need to hear what they are mumbling; we just need to know that they are wearing their masks even when it is absurd to do so. It’s a helpful reminder that we should too.

The 6 feet mandate that has been used to crush businesses and excuse school closures for a year may be changed to 3 feet, emphasizing that the usefulness of arbitrary coronavirus requirements is often symbolic.

Hopefully there are open manholes nearby if mask-shaming reporters take Cruz’s advice and step back.

On a tip from Lyle.


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One Response to “Kudos to Cruz”

  1. […] a world succumbing to moonbattery, mobs become hysterical over minor infractions against largely symbolic COVID conventions; we are commanded to believe there is no difference between men and women; women […]


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