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May 18 2024

Large Contingent of Democrats Vote Against Police

In case there is anyone left in the country who doesn’t understand which side is the bad guys:

Every member of the far-left “Squad” and dozens of other House Democrats voted Friday against a resolution condemning calls to “defund the police,” which have preceded a record-breaking spike in violence against law enforcement officers.

The House still overwhelmingly passed the measure in a bipartisan 337-61 vote, denouncing the anti-cop movement, declaring support for officers in the line of duty and expressing condolences to the family members of those who have been killed while serving. …

No Republicans voted against the measure.

Some Democrats held their nose and voted with Republicans because they are vulnerable in the November elections. Others are in districts that have already been secured and can vote their id. Sixty-one openly sided with criminals against local law enforcement, flaunting their intention to turn the USA into Haiti.

Thanks go to the Squad for providing a cautionary preview of what the remnants of America will be like before Democrats have finished demographically transforming it via welfare policy and the undefended border. The plan is for the whole country to be the kind of place that would elect the likes of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, et al.

On a tip from Varla.


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