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Sep 01 2023

Laughable Gaslighting on Maui Response

By now we are used to gaslighting from Democrats, but this is ridiculous:

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre now claims Joe Biden reacted to the Hawaii Wildfire in “record time” despite him enjoying two vacations during the national emergency.

Say what?

Maybe it really was record time. It might have been a record for the slowest response to a national emergency by a sitting so-called president:

When Biden toured the devastation in Hawaii nearly two weeks after the city of Lahaina burned to the ground, locals were caught on video chanting “f*** Joe Biden” as he walked down a street. “Here he comes after 13 days,” one person said as the president passed by. Another commented: “Wow, he’s finally here. Wow, yeah, thanks for nothing.”

Biden then proceeded to insult those affected by comparing the disaster to a minor kitchen fire and dishonestly attempting to exploit it to promote the global warming hoax.

On tips from Blackjack and MrRightWingDave.


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