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Jul 11 2023

Liberalism Is Now the Opposite of Liberalism

America was created by classical liberals. Now, everywhere you look, you see liberals destroying the great country they bestowed to us. Has liberalism failed? No. It has had its definition switched to its diametric opposite by our Orwellian leftist ruling class.

Gerard Baker considers the grooming of children in public schools. Some might frame it as classical liberalism taken too far:

We have elevated individual choice to the level at which we are told we can actually reject our biological sex, and that this freedom is so expansive that it must be extended to prepubescent children.

But in reality, the last thing the “liberals” pushing LGBTism on small children want is individual choice. No little kid chooses to be a pervert or a freak.

The real objective here isn’t to emancipate children as young as 10 from the shackles of convention, but to remove parents’ freedom to determine what is best for their children. This effort to undermine the institution of the family serves the larger purpose of transferring authority for children away from parents to the state. …

In one of those rare moments of revelatory candor in political debate, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia in 2021, told Glenn Youngkin, his Republican rival: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

This “It Takes a Village” idea again frames itself as liberal, but it is in fact classically illiberal. It fits also with the modern orthodoxy that we must be indoctrinated to see ourselves not as individuals with agency over our own lives, but merely as scarcely autonomous component members of some larger identity group.

Illiberal Democrats apply the same authoritarian collectivism to economics:

When Barack Obama memorably told American business leaders “You didn’t build that,” it was a restatement of the subjugation of the idea of individual agency to statist responsibility. This idea is reaching its apotheosis in “Bidenomics,” a new term for a very old idea: The state always knows best how to spend your money.

Classical liberals like the Founding Fathers would never have recognized anything imposed by today’s Democratic Party as liberal. But now that we live in a San Francisco bathhouse version of 1984, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and oligarchical collectivist authoritarianism is liberalism.

On a tip from Varla.


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