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Feb 23 2024

Migrant Conquerors Express Dissatisfaction

We abandon our national sovereignty for their sake and shovel our money at them by the $billions upon $billions, and all our government asks in return is that they vote Democrat. Yet some of the grasping Third-Worlders leftists have allowed to swamp the country are displeased with the arrangement:

A migrant was cited earlier this month after allegedly trespassing at O’Hare International Airport.

Upon arrival, responding officers located [Dhian] Gomez-Mendoza, who was allegedly screaming and yelling while running in and out of the terminal.

The police told him to leave, but he refused.

Gomez-Mendoza allegedly told police that he wants to go back to Venezuela and will “do whatever that takes,” even if that means “beating up a police officer or hurting a civilian.”

Gomez-Mendoza is not the only homesick migrant to wash up in Chicago:

Also itching to go back to Venezuela is 30-year-old Jhoni Montes.

Chicago police arrested him at Macy’s, 111 North State, on February 9 after store security reported that he and another man tried to shoplift three suitcases worth $1,634. …

While being charged with retail theft, he told officers “he was stealing to go back to Venezuela,” according to his arrest report.

If they actually do go back to Venezuela, Chicagoans won’t miss them:

Angry Chicago residents railed against local leaders at a city council meeting Wednesday as tensions run high over the national illegal immigrant crisis.

Some suspect that failed countries are not sending their best and brightest:

“All this asylum-seeking lie, all this about refugees — no, no, no. What’s happening is they’re emptying out the dregs of their jails into the United States and to our communities,” one Chicago resident said during public comments at Wednesday’s meeting.

“They’re junking up our country. And yeah, we feel some kind of way about it because it’s our country,” the resident said.

You know it’s bad when inhabitants of the hellhole that launched the careers of Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, and Barack Obama and that elected Brandon Johnson to be mayor complain about getting junked up.

It isn’t just the USA. Italians have submitted to eradication through demographic displacement. Yet it appears the welfare colonists to whom they have turned over the future find the accommodations lacking:

You don’t get gratitude from conquerors.

On tips from Tom in WI, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.


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