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May 17 2024

Monkeypox and Biden’s Open Border

A functional country run by people who mean it well secures its borders, keeping firm control of those who cross them. The reasons for this are countless; monkeypox is just one of many:

The central African nation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is battling a record number of cases of mpox, fueled by a strain with a higher death rate than the variant that spread in Europe and America in 2022.

The mortality rate ranges as high as 10%, dwarfing Covid. Three quarters of suspected deaths are in children 15 years or younger, in stark contrast to the Wuhan Flu, which mostly left kids alone. Monkeypox is largely spread by homosexual depravity, which these days does not exempt children, thanks largely to the efforts of liberal social engineers.

Getting the DRC outbreak under control, and containing it to within that country, is imperative, experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report issued Thursday.

Too bad they can’t get the word to their fellow bureaucrats at the Orwellian Department of Homeland Security, which has been allowing the importation of massive numbers of illegal aliens from throughout Africa so as to displace American voters.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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