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Aug 07 2023

Muslim Woman Wants His Testicles Back From His Boyfriend

Maybe this generation has a redeeming quality after all. If civilization survives, we will provide entertainment for centuries to come for the generations that look back and laugh at us. Actual headline from the relatively conservative New York Post:

Transgender woman ‘demands’ ex-boyfriend to return her testicles from his fridge

Kingsley is a woman the same way whoever wrote “her testicles” is a journalist.

From the story:

Brianna Kingsley, 40, of Pontiac [Michigan], filed an affidavit claiming her [sic] ex, William Wojciechowski, 37, “retains possession of my surgically extracted testicles, preserved in (a) Mason jar, kept in (the) fridge next to the eggs,” The Detroit News reported.

Like so many transsexuals, Kingsley has a violent streak:

In October 2020, Kingsley pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to two months behind bars after he pulled a knife on her then-roommate, also a trans woman, on Christmas Day, the Royal Oak Tribune reported.

In addition to being a woman, Kingsley also claims to be a Muslim, although real Muslims would be inclined to throw him off a roof.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.


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