NBC News: Biden Worse, Trump Better Than Expected
File this one under Even the Liberal Media Admits:
Just 14% of registered voters say Biden has done a better job as president than they expected he would, according to the latest NBC News national poll. Another 42% say Biden has done a worse job than they expected, and 44% say his tenure has gone about as they expected it would.
But 40% say Trump’s presidency was better than expected, with 29% saying it was worse and 31% saying it was about as expected.
Undergoing a years-long campaign of demonization by the mainstream media does make expectations easier to beat.
With Trump, absence is making the heart grow fonder:
The marks for Trump are slightly better than they were when NBC News asked the same question about his administration in August 2018. Then, 29% of registered voters said the Trump administration was going better than expected, 27% said it was going worse, and 43% said it was going about as expected.
Regarding the key independent vote,
Trump also fares far better than Biden with independent voters — 38% of them say Trump’s administration went better than expected, 43% say it went as expected, and 18% say it was worse. Just 6% of independents believe Biden’s administration is going better than they expected, with 52% saying it has gone worse.
If they are to stand a chance in November, Democrats have two options: (1) cheat so brazenly as to risk civil war or (2) dump Biden like the soiled diaper he is probably wearing. That articles like this appear in the liberal establishment media suggests that they have opted for the latter.
On a tip from Anonymous.
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