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Sep 28 2023

None of Wyoming Town’s Electric Bus Fleet Works

The planet owes a debt of gratitude to Jackson, Wyoming, for investing our money in electric buses. This is as likely as any other moonbat measure to stop the climate from fluctuating — even if none of them works:

The Southern Teton Area Rapid Transit (START) system, a joint operation between Jackson and Teton County, bought eight electric buses to complement its fleet of 31.

They have fallen back on their diesel buses, which work. Getting parts for the malfunctioning electric buses has proven impossible:

Last month, the electric bus manufacturer that supplied START, California-based Proterra, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Electric vehicles are so economically insane that companies like Proterra can’t stay in business no matter how much of our money Democrats shovel at them.

Proterra … enjoyed financial support from federal taxpayers, as well as praise from President Joe Biden.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided more than $5.5 billion for low- and no-emission buses, each costing around $1 million each.

In 2021 Biden participated in a virtual tour of the company.

“The fact is, you’re making me look good,” the president said.

The only thing that could make Biden look good would be a prison uniform.

Biden went on to discuss a plan to build 50,000 charging stations with federal support.

If Democrats’ green spending spree continues, the entire country will join Proterra in bankruptcy.

The buses didn’t work well in the winter anyway, being EVs.

At least the bureauweenies learned their lesson, right? Wrong:

There are more electric buses heading to Teton County as START works to phase out as much of its diesel fleet as it can.

According to the News & Guide, the eight buses in its fleet cost $2.3 million, 80% of which was covered by a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant in 2019. Between 2020 and 2021, similar grants provided another $2.6 million, and START plans to spend $3.3 million for four more electric buses.

This will be financed from our savings, as Democrats continue to inflate the currency by printing more money.

On a tip from R F.


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