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Oct 09 2023

Norman Rockwell Paints the Age of Moonbattery

Norman Rockwell captured the essence of America when it was healthy and strong. The magic of AI allows us to apply his iconic style to the America progressivism has reduced us to:

This one captures the essence of what liberals have done to education:

Revolver News has a whole collection of these gems. They poignantly emphasize the fundamental transformation promised by the moonbat messiah, Barack Obama.

On a tip from Stormfax.


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One Response to “Norman Rockwell Paints the Age of Moonbattery”

  1. […] Norman Rockwell Paints the Age of Moonbattery Norman Rockwell captured the essence of America when it was healthy and strong. The magic of AI allows us to apply his iconic style to the America progressivism has reduced us to […]


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