NY AG Letitia James Effectively Legalizes Minor Crimes
Joe Biden won’t say who he would appoint to the Supreme Court, but New York Attorney General Letitia James is considered to be on the short list. She meets all three of the requirements: (1) black, (2) female, and (3) left-wing. To get an idea of how terrifying this is, and of why people have been leaving New York in droves as it degenerates into anarchy, consider that James has exploited the police shooting of Allan Feliz to effectively legalize minor crimes.
When Feliz was pulled over by Officer Jonathan Rivera last October, he produced his brother’s driver’s license instead of his own. As in other events exploited by leftists to advance their agenda, the situation escalated and Feliz ended up dead.
Via Hot Air:
Using that incident as an example, the AG is now recommending that officers no longer conduct arrests of individuals during traffic stops if they have outstanding warrants for a variety of classes of minor offenses. These would include bench warrants for failing to appear in court or more minor, public nuisance offenses.
As with Michael Brown, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, et al., Feliz requires airbrushing to qualify for sainthood, and the actual events surrounding his demise must be altered or suppressed in the interests of the racist cops narrative.
First of all Seargent Rivera is Hispanic himself. And Feliz wasn’t some innocent victim of circumstances. The reason he gave over his brother’s ID instead of his own was that he was on parole from convictions on a variety of federal offenses at the time. He also had quantities of both cocaine and methamphetamines in the vehicle…
Feliz also didn’t comply with the officer’s instructions. Instead, he continually attempted to drive the vehicle away. He was only shot after nearly running over Rivera’s partner.
Ignoring outstanding warrants during traffic stops equates to not issuing warrants at all. Police do not have time to chase down petty criminals with the city going to hell all around them.
This represents the broken windows policy in reverse. Instead of preventing big crimes by cracking down on small ones, which is the strategy Rudy Giuliani used to make New York City livable, leftists are making minor crime effectively legal.
New Yorkers at least have the option of getting the hell out in favor of states not run by leftists who side with criminals against society. When these maniacs secure control of the federal government, escaping the chaos will not be so easy.
On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.
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