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May 18 2023

NYC Takes Climate Totalitarianism to Next Level

Unfolding liberal authoritarianism differs from tyrannies of the past in that it is more conspicuously pointless, being based on a comically deranged ideology. Also, it will be more repressive, given the increased ability to monitor and regulate provided by modern technology. The liberal dystopia New York City offers a foretaste of the future:

New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030.

To believe there is something wrong with the weather requires gullibility. To believe this imaginary problem is caused by the government permitting us to eat a normal human diet requires psychosis. Yet NYC’s vegan mayor should have no problem imposing his flaky ideology, so thoroughly has the traditional American commitment to liberty been beaten out of the defeated remnants of our largest city.

Food isn’t the only fundamental aspect of daily life municipal bureauweenies keep under tight control:

The city already produced emissions data from energy use, transportation and waste as part of the annual inventory. But the addition of household food consumption data is part of a partnership that London and New York launched with American Express, C40 Cities and EcoData lab, Commissioner Rohit Aggarwala from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection announced…

An alliance between Big Business and Big Government to keep the population under the thumb of its rulers used to be known as “fascism.” After pouring the old wine into a new bottle, it is called “liberalism.”

The clothing you wear is also an aspect of everyday life. Therefore:

[Aggarwala] said the inventory also will measure greenhouse gas pollution from the production and consumption of other consumer goods like apparel, whether or not those items are made in New York City.

The global warming hoax is the most thoroughly totalitarian ideology yet devised. Everything causes climate change, according to liberal doctrine. Therefore, everything must be kept under rigid control, so that the weather will stop fluctuating for the first time in the history of the planet.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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