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Dec 04 2020

Only the Elite Will Own Cars in Utopia

The liberal elite cannot abide regular Americans owning guns. The same goes for cars, and for the same reasons. Like the ability to defend yourself, the ability to transport yourself wherever you choose to go whenever you choose to go there makes you independent. The independent individual is anathema to progressives. In utopia, only the elite will own vehicles.

According to the rhetoric, soon we will all drive electric cars. But we won’t, because as noted at Patriot Post, it isn’t feasible:

Last year, Professor Richard Herrington of the Natural History Museum in London sent a letter to the British government after he and his colleagues analyzed what it would take to convert that nation’s cars to electric vehicles (EVs) by 2050… They concluded that such a conversion would require, based on 2018 mining levels, the entire world’s production of neodymium, three-quarters of its lithium production, and at least half of its copper production to produce the required number of EVs — just for the UK.

“Conservative” ecomoonbat Boris Johnson promises to ban gasoline and diesel cars by 2030.

Now consider America:

“The U.S. has about 276 million registered motor vehicles, or roughly nine times as many vehicles as the U.K.,” explains columnist Robert Bryce. “Thus, if Herrington’s numbers are right, electrifying all U.S. motor vehicles would require roughly 18 times the world’s current cobalt production, about nine times global neodymium output, nearly seven times global lithium production, and about four times world copper production.”

The mining required would hardly benefit the environment. Neither would generating that much electricity. It’s a good thing for Mother Nature that most of us cannot afford electric cars, even with the subsidies. As Bryce observes, “EVs are still too expensive for low- and middle-income consumers.”

Soon we won’t be able to afford more efficient internal combustion engine (ICE) cars either.

Automotive expert Eric Peters sees the proverbial writing on the wall, noting that “by 2030 not much else that isn’t electric will be built,” and the few cars that aren’t “will have been driven off the roads entirely by regulatory fiat and extortionate/punitive gas and registration fees” by 2040.

In short, he sees a world where government-imposed “polluter taxes” raise gas prices to $10 per gallon, and/or ICE vehicle registration fees to $5,000 per year, making such a vehicle unaffordable for the vast majority of car owners.

If this sounds familiar, you could be thinking of Biden’s flagrantly unconstitutional plans to punish gunowners with special taxes. Democrats also propose punitive taxes on ammunition.

No worries. If we can afford neither efficient cars nor electric ones, we can always take the light rail to go where the planners have decided we should go, according to their schedule. Meanwhile, the ruling class will zip around in Teslas.

On tips from Mark G.


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3 Responses to “Only the Elite Will Own Cars in Utopia”

  1. […] Only the Elite Will Own Cars in Utopia The liberal elite cannot abide regular Americans owning guns. The same goes for cars, and for the same reasons. Like the ability to defend yourself, the ability to transport yourself wherever you choose to go whenever you choose to go there makes you independent. The independent individual is anathema to progressives. In utopia, only the elite will own vehicles. […]

  2. […] demand problem is easy enough to fix. Democrats will just regulate energy-efficient cars out of existence so that we have to buy the electric ones or go […]

  3. […] will people get around after Democrats have regulated normal cars out of existence? New York magazine wants us to resort to autonomous vehicles controlled by Amazon subsidiary […]


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