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Mar 19 2021

Physics Term “Quantum Supremacy” Struck From Newspeak Dictionary

The cancer started in social science departments, where no one was learning anything useful anyway. Unfortunately, social justice ideology has metastasized to every corner of academe — even real science:

In an op-ed, titled, “Physicists Need to Be More Careful with How They Name Things” for the Scientific American, St. Anselm College physics professor Ian Durham, University of Bristol math professor Karoline Wiesner, and freelance journalist Daniel Garisto call for doing away with the physics term “quantum supremacy” in an anti-racist measure.

The concept of white supremacy is so horrific to moonbats that the word “supremacy” must be banned by association. Revise your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

The popular term, coined in 2012 by quantum physicist John Preskill, refers to quantum computers outperforming classical ones. It has nothing to do with racism, which the authors of the op-ed even acknowledge, but say that it is “uncomfortably reminiscent” of “white supremacy.”

Everything in academia is about political correctness; that is to say, it is about hatred of white men.

The authors add that while abolishing the term “quantum supremacy” would not in itself diversify science, it is a small step toward making the scientific community “less white and male.”

It doesn’t matter what discoveries are made or even whether they are made. All that matters is that if there are any discoveries, they are made by members of approved identity groups.

The corrupted liberal arts have established supremacy over the sciences.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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