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Oct 17 2022

Police-Defunder Cori Bush Spends Big on Security

The dumber the Democrat, the more brazen the hypocrisy. Cori Bush was elected to represent Black Lives Matter. Her signature issue is defunding the police, so that criminals can run riot. She also supports gun control, so that law-abiding citizens will have no defense from sociopaths. But this only applies to us little people, not our rulers, which is why Bush spent nearly half a $million of campaign money on security while trying to deny security to the rest of us.

Bush has now directed over $490,000 into private security for the 2022 election cycle as she remains one of the last Democrats to openly call for the defunding of the police.

Even CBS News had to ask her about blowing a fortune on security while hamstringing if not abolishing local police. Her response:

“They would rather I die?” Bush asked. “You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see? You want to see me die? You know, because that could be the alternative.”

That actually applies to many of her constituents, who are vulnerable to violent crime. But being dead won’t stop them from voting Democrat.

Bush said she would ensure that she has security, because she has had attempts on her life and has “too much work to do.”

“So suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen,” she added.

“Suck it up” sums up the attitude of Democrats toward the little people whose country they are methodically destroying.

People who noisily hate America now run America. Everything is proceeding from there as you would expect.

On a tip from Jack D.


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