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Jul 27 2023

Profiles in Gerontocracy: Dianne Feinstein

As Joe Biden makes obvious and Dianne Feinstein underscores, not everyone is young enough to rule over their country. Watch in horror as the senior senator’s puppeteers tell her to shut up and say “Aye”:

Embarrassing, but not as bad as Biden defining America in a single word:

Adult Protective Services needs to remove Biden and Feinstein from the Debt Star and place them in a special facility where they can receive appropriate care. The government could defray the expense by charging admission. They might call it Geriatric Park.

Let’s hear what Mitch McConnell has to say about the idea:

Age limits have been proposed, but some are able to stave off cognitive decline and stay sharp to an advanced age. More fair would be cognitive tests. Better still, voters should take such tests. But that would not fly, for obvious reasons.

On tips from Wiggins.


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