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May 24 2023

Profiles in Liberal Education: Shellyne Rodriguez

Where moonbats prevail (e.g., the federal government under Democrat rule, the education establishment), being a left-wing black woman is the only qualification needed to attain any job. If it is enough for the Supreme Court, it is enough for a college professor — even for psychopaths like Shellyne Rodriguez:

A Manhattan college professor flipped out on a group of students who set up an information table opposing abortion inside the school building — cursing and tossing their pamphlets…

Shellyne Rodriguez, an adjunct professor, told the pro-life students they were “triggering” her students by tabling inside Hunter College in Manhattan earlier this month. …

“You’re not educating s–t. This is f–king propaganda,” the art professor told the students tabling on May 2. “What are you going to do like anti-trans next?”

Resisting the transsexual agenda would be an even greater thought crime than opposing abortion.

She then pushed the anti-abortion materials off the table toward the students while exclaiming “f–k this s–t” and walked off…

The PSC Graduate Center is a labor union representing City University of New York professors. On behalf of the liberal establishment, it endorsed Rodriguez’s behavior:

“Her actions to shut down the tabling were fully justified, and are part of a long and celebrated CUNY legacy of confronting groups such as military recruiters who disseminate misleading information,” the group said in a letter of support.

Affirmative Action hires can still get fired, but they have to push the envelope farther still:

The Post knocked on the door of [Shellyne Rodriguez’s] Bronx apartment Tuesday morning — a day after she made headlines for flipping out on pro-life students at Hunter College.

“Get the f–k away from my door, or I’m gonna chop you up with this machete!” the manic adjunct art professor shouted from behind her closed door just moments after veteran reporter Reuven Fenton identified himself.

Seconds later, Rodriguez barged out and alarmingly put the blade to the reporter’s neck.

The reporter wasted no time getting out of there, but Rodriguez followed, brandishing the machete, shrieking,

“Get the f–k off the block! Get the f–k out of here, yo!”

She chased him all the way to his car. No worries about police interfering; this happened in New York City under Eric Adams.

However, the optics were bad enough for Rodriguez to be viewed by educrats as a liability to the cause of moonbattery, so she was fired. She may turn up in DC next time Biden has an open cabinet position.

In the meantime, she is suing the NYPD for oppressing her during the Black Lives Matter riots, in which she unsurprisingly participated. She says she suffered nerve damage when police had to restrain her with zip ties.

The lawsuit adds that the injuries also impacted “her ability to make art.”

So she won’t be hurting moneywise. A jury of NYC liberals will see to that by looting themselves on her behalf.

On tips from Veritas100, Barry A, seaoh, MrRightWingDave, and Franco.


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