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Sep 03 2020

Purging Washington, DC of American Heritage

It isn’t paranoia or hyperbole. Leftists are methodically erasing American civilization. The process is well underway in the nation’s capital. Cultural vandals are even going after the Washington Monument:

A committee formed by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser issued a report Tuesday recommending the removal, relocation, or contextualization of the Washington Monument and a number of federal monuments and buildings in Washington, DC.

Bowser formed the District of Columbia Facilities and Commemorative Expressions, or “DC FACES” committee in July, to study assets in D.C. named after individuals to “ensure these individuals reflect contemporary DC values,” according to the report.

“Contemporary DC values” in this context is synonymous with “ultraradical Black Lives Matter dogma.”

Like most left-wing political initiatives nowadays, the purge is explicitly racist:

The committee was asked to make recommendations if a namesake is “inconsistent with DC values and in some way encouraged the oppression of African Americans and other communities of color or contributed to our long history of systemic racism.”

Historical giants slated for the memory hole include Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, and Thomas Jefferson in addition to George Washington, after whom the city is named.

It isn’t just monuments they are after:

The committee also recommended renaming a number of other assets, including: public schools; residential buildings and campuses; community and recreational centers; parks, fields and playgrounds; government buildings; streets, roads and bridges; landmarks, and commemorative works; and statues and memorials.

“In all instances we believe strongly that all District of Columbia owned public spaces, facilities and commemorative works should only honor those individuals who exemplified those values such as equity, opportunity and diversity that DC residents hold dear,” it said.

The Caucasians who created America were not diverse, so they will be consigned to oblivion.

This is why Bowser had BLACK LIVES MATTER painted in giant yellow letters on 16th Street leading to the White House. She shares the ideology and the objectives of the terrorists who have been tearing down statues of the Founding Fathers throughout the country.

On a tip from Rapinhoe.


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